Hardcore Punk Melodic Emo Post rock Independent record shop from Okayama
ホームthrash, fast, 80's...V.A / Boston hardcore 89-91 (tape) Taang!

V.A / Boston hardcore 89-91 (tape) Taang!

販売価格: 680円(税込)
V.A / Boston hardcore 89-91 (tape) Taang! \680

BOSTON HARDCORE 1989-1991...
Wrecking Crewをはじめ、Sam Black ChurchからOnly Living Witnessまでを収録したタイトルどおり1989年から1991年のボストンハードコアシーンを凝縮したブツ!

1. Wrecking Crew -Confusion
2. Wrecking Crew -My Mind's Diseased
3. Crossface -Welcome The Destroyer
4. Said & Done -Never I
5. Backbone -All I Can Find
6. Sam Black Church -Disjustice
7. Maelstrom -Realm Of PossibilitiesClick to listen to this song
8. Eye For An Eye -What It Measn
9. Intent To Injure -You're A Fool
10. S.T.P. -Social Crisis
11. S.T.P. -Three Times Down
12. Suckerpunch -Against The World
13. Only Living Witness -Bad Blood
