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ホームold school INTERNAL AFFAIRS / No way out (2Lp) Safe inside

INTERNAL AFFAIRS / No way out (2Lp) Safe inside

販売価格: 4,180円(税込)

CARRY ON、KNIFE FIGHT、NAILSのメンバーが在籍した00's US/LA産ハードコア!
INTERNAL AFFAIRSのディスコグラフィーが2022年リリース!!!全52曲、2枚組Lpにてリリース!

お馴染みTodd Jonesも在籍、日本盤のリリース、来日もしていたバンドで2003年の結成から2009年まで全ての作品を収録したディスコグラフィー!


80's USHC、Youthcrew/Old school Hardcore、Power violenceからの影響、そしてその中にある怒りを特に前面に出した、猛烈極まりない様で畳み掛け、叩きつけてくるUS/LAアンガーハードコアクラシックです。当時もめちゃくちゃ好きでしたが、今2022年改めて聴くとよりその凄まじさを感じました、最高です!全52曲。

01. Stop Trying (Split with Allegiance 2004)
02. Nothing (Split with Allegiance 2004)
03. You Don’t Know Me (Split with Allegiance 2004)
04. Rage (Split with Allegiance 2004)
05. Come Get It (Split with Allegiance 2004)
06. Intro / Heroes (Casualty of the Core 2003)
07. Casualty of the Core (Casualty of the Core 2003)
08. Your Jam (Casualty of the Core 2003)
09. Internal Affairs (Casualty of the Core 2003)
10. Mistakes (Casualty of the Core 2003)
11. Go Away (Casualty of the Core 2003)
12. Hide (Casualty of the Core 2003)
13. Cop Out (Casualty of the Core 2003)
14. What Do I say (Casualty of the Core 2003)
15. Waste Of Time / Come Get it (DEMO 2003)
16. That’s Right (This is For You) (DEMO 2003)
17. You Lose (DEMO 2003)
18. No Way Out (DEMO 2003)
19. Nothing (DEMO 2003)
20. When Tigers Fight (DEMO 2003)
21. You’re Dead (Self Titled 2005)
22. Enough (Self Titled 2005)
23. Revenge (Self Titled 2005)
24. Pride (Self Titled 2005)
25. What Will I Say (Self Titled 2005)
26. Loyalty Not Royalty (Self Titled 2005)
27. Life’s Blood (Self Titled 2005)
28. Failure (Self Titled 2005)
29. Time and Time again (Self Titled 2005)
30. Imposter (Self Titled 2005)
31. See With My Eyes( Self Titled 2005)
32. Never Again (Self Titled 2005)
33. No More (Self Titled 2005)
34. No Heart (Self Titled 2005)
35. BST (Self Titled 2005)
36. My Mind (Self Titled 2005)
37. #2 (Deadly Visions 2007)
38. Reality Check (Deadly Visions 2007)
39. Still Alive (Deadly Visions 2007)
40. No Good Game in Hardcore (Deadly Visions 2007)
41. Fuck Yeah (Deadly Visions 2007)
42. Deadly Visions (Deadly Visions 2007)
43. Faith (Deadly Visions 2007)
44. Stage Potato (Deadly Visions 2007)
45. Judgement Day (Deadly Visions 2007)
46. Refuse (NTB / NA Split Tracks 2006)
47. Real Deal (NTB / NA Split Tracks 2006)
48. Guilty (Evil Egyptians 2008)
49. When Lightning Strikes (Evil Egyptians 2008)
50. Snakeskin (Evil Egyptians 2008)
51. Night breed (Evil Egyptians 2008)
52. Live Tracks (Positive Numbers 2004 DVD)