Hardcore Punk Melodic Emo Post rock Independent record shop from Okayama
ホームthrash, fast, 80's...TO THE POINT / Songs that come to mind when thinking of you (cd) Bones brigade

TO THE POINT / Songs that come to mind when thinking of you (cd) Bones brigade

販売価格: 2,280円(税込)

SPAZZに在籍し、SLAP A HAMでの活動でもお馴染み過ぎるパワーバイオレンスシーンにおいて重要人物であるCHRIS DODGEとINFEST、LACK OF INTEREST、LOW THREAT PROFILEに在籍しDEEP SIXでも現在進行形でレーベル活動を続け、こちらも間違いなくパワーバイオレンスシーンにおいて重要人物であるBOB KASITZ等が在籍するUS産現行パワーバイオレンス!TO THE POINTのディスコグラフィーがフランスのBones brigadeより!!!

Tracks 1 to 8 from Mentally Checked Out 7" EP
Tracks 9 to 15 from Success In Failure 7" EP
Tracks 16 to 21 from Antichrist Demoncore / To The Point split 7"
Tracks 22 to 32 from Pick Your Side / Suicide Mode split 10"
Tracks 33 to 37 from To The Point / Sidetracked split 7"
Tracks 38 to 46 from The Rot Box 3x7"
Tracks 47 to 51 from This Is Los Angeles Not Cleveland / This Is Cleveland Not L.A. split 7"
Tracks 52-53 from To The Point 3" lathe cut vinyl
Tracks 54 to 59 from Give Me A Reason 7" EP
Track 60 from Wake Up Dead Volume One 7" compilation
Track 61 from Action For Animals: The Comp EP 7"

全61曲収録、2012年から2020年までのリリースを詰め込んだ最高Power violence盤!!!