Hardcore Punk Melodic Emo Post rock Independent record shop from Okayama
ホーム japanese sludge, doom, storner
japanese sludge, doom, storner

登録アイテム数: 176件
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OiDAKi / Sulphur pusher (cd) Birdland records revolution☆rock
OiDAKi / 鬼首 (cd) 音辿レコーズ
ZENOCIDE / Ashes asylum (cd) Daymare
CORRUPTED / Dios injusto (7ep) Throne
AZARAK / Diggin' (cd) Hello from the gutter
CORRUPTED / Felicific algorithm - Mushikeras (cd) Cold spring
SLEEPCITY / Scorch (flexi) Hello from the gutter
SLUG / Slug_tape (tape) Self
SLUG / Slug_tape_2 (tape) Self
Seek / 故郷で死ぬ男 (cd) Deliver b
NOIZEGOAT, DECONSECRATION / Split (7ep) Sphc/Psychocontrol
ZENOCIDE / Kursed (tape) Self
MEDVED / st (cd) Self

MEDVED / st (cd) Self

Boris / Heavy rocks (cd) Kilikilivilla
Boris /  Pink (7ep) Kilikilivilla
Boris /  Heavy rocks (7ep) Kilikilivilla
NOIZEGOAT / Smoked heavy (cd) Self
NOIZEGOAT / Smoked heavy (Lp) Rsr
  abiuro / The origin of hyper doom (cd) Captured
COFFINS / Defilements (2cd) Obliteration
 EARTAKER / Harmonics (2Lp) Bedouin
SECOND TO NONE, BLIND WITCH / split -Naked breakers III (7ep) Organized sons of satan osaka
NOIZEGOAT / Progressive (cd) Self
OHURA-MAZDO / The incarnation of sathanas (Lp) Nuclear war now!
GREENMACHiNE / st (cd)(Lp) Daymare
Boris / Absolutego (cd) fangsanalsatan
Boris / Amplifier worship 2020 Remaster (cd) Mangrove
  Thrombosis / Euphoric chill (tape) Self
 Thrombosis / Divine goat (cd) Self
Blacklab / Abyss (cd)(Lp) New heavy sounds
GREENMACHiNE / D.a.m.n (cd)(Lp) Longlegslogarms
Hemipenis / Demo (cd) Self
Hemipenis / Into the doze of null (cd) Self
FLOATERS / Roman holiday (cd) Captured
RUNEMAGICK / Evoked from abysmal sleep (cd) Dead sky
MORTAL INCARNATION / Lunar radiant (cd) Dead sky
DEATHSPAWNED / Diabolic (cd) Satan's dojo
COFFINS / Beyond the circular demise (cd) Daymare
COFFINS / Beyond the circular demise (Lp) Relapse
GREENMACHiNE / Mountains of madness (Lp)(tape) Longlegslogarms
COFFINS, SECOND TO NONE / split -Nine cocoons of dens to F- (Lp) Horror pain gore death productions
GREENMACHiNE / Mountains of madness (cd) Daymare
老人の仕事 / st (cd) Self
GRANULE / Pain ritual & life (cd) Daymare
GRANULE / Pain ritual & life (Lp) Bedouin
BIRUSHANAH / 灰ニナルマデ (cd) Reiho music
boris / Flood (cd) Midi creative
COFFINS / Craving to eternal slumber (tape) Hammerheart
CORRUPTED / Felicific algorithim (12") Cold spring
kanonenvogel / 1(eins) (cd) 呪夢千年
COFFINS, SECOND TO NONE / split -Nine cocoons of dens to F- (cd) Daymare
FLOATERS / Waiting for amnesty (cd) Captured
SLEEPCITY / Blue (cd) Times together
NEPENTHES / Confusion (cd) Daymare
CARAMBA / st (tape) Self
Boris / Dear (2cd) Daymare

Boris / Dear (2cd) Daymare

Boris / Dear (3Lp) Daymare

Boris / Dear (3Lp) Daymare

SITHTER / Chaotic fiend 『混沌の悪鬼』 (cd) 梵天
GREENMACHiNE, HANGMAN'S CHAIR / split (cd) Daymare
TINNITVS / demo (2cdr) Self
BORIS / Pink -deluxe edition- (2cd) Daymare
BORIS + ENDON / Eros (Lp) Daymare
GUEVNNA / Heart of evil (cd) LongLegsLongArms
FUNERAL MOTH / Dense fog (cd) Weird truth
FUNERAL MOTH / Transience (cd) Weird truth
ETERNAL ELYSIUM / Resonance of shadows (cd) Cornucopia
Boris / Mr.shortkill (Lp) Daymare
Boris with Merzbow / 現象 -Gensho- Expanded edition (4cd) Daymare
CARAMBA / st (cd) Self

CARAMBA / st (cd) Self

GREENMACHiNE / For the night and blood ep (cd) Daymare
COFFINS / Perpetual penance (2cd) Obliteration
DISROTTED, SU19B / split (cd) Obliteration
ele-phant / Tobira (cd) Hello from the gutter
NEPENTHES / Scent (cd) Daymare
Twolow / Glutamic acid (cd) Secreta trades
 BIRUSHANAH / 魔境 -Makyo- (cd) Scumzone
DUB 4 REASON / Anarchy and dub (cd) Twisted productions
GARADAMA / Garadama III (cd) Fiend's shrine
GUEVNNA, AGUIRRE / split (cd) Bones brigade
GUEVNNA, BLACK TEMPLE BELOW / split (cd) Trip thru
GUEVNNA / Conspiracies (cd) Self
ZENOCIDE, W.D.L.K. / split -Dirtbag cartel- (cd)
SU19B / The world doomed to violence (cd) Y
CORRUPTED / 喪失:Loss (7ep) Crust war
CORRUPTED / Nadie (Lp) Throne
ZENOCIDE / st (cd) Self

ZENOCIDE / st (cd) Self

ITHAQUA / Death drain (cd) We empty rooms
不幸 -FUCHO- / The dark halo (cd) Hardcore kitchen
REVOLT / Gate of holocaust (Lp) Awesome mosh power
GREENMACHINE / Archivesof rotten blues (cd) Diwphalanx
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