ythrash, fast, 80's...z
驪MINOR THREAT / Salad days (7ep) Dischord
(Åž) (SoldOut)
麗MINOR THREAT / Out of step (Lp) Dischord
(Åž) (SoldOut)
黎DEEP WOUND / st (7ep) Armageddon
(Åž) (SoldOut)
力SOLITARY CONFINEMENT / st (tape) Mind rot
曆IRON LUNG / White glove test (2cd) Prank
(Åž) (SoldOut)
歷IRON LUNG / White glove test (Lp) Prank/Iron lung
(Åž) (SoldOut)
轢OFF! / Wasted years (cd) (Lp) Vice
(Åž) (SoldOut)
年CEREBRAL BALLZY / Return of the slice (cd) Vinyl junkie
(Åž) (SoldOut)
憐CEREBRAL BALLZY / st (cd) Vinyl junkie
(Åž) (SoldOut)
RIPCORD / Fast'n'furious-The complete demos (cd) (2Lp+cd) Break the connection/Boss tuneage
(Åž) (SoldOut)
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