ythrash, fast, 80's...z
BONES BRIGADE / Focused Fight (cd) Fire With Fire Records [1,400‰~] (Åž) (SoldOut)
BONES BRIGADE / I Hate Myself When I'm Not Skateboarding (cd) Fight Fire With Fire Records [1,650‰~] (Åž) (SoldOut)
TOXIC HOLOCAUST / Evil Never Dies (cd) Gloom Records [1,650‰~] (Åž) (SoldOut)
BLAST! / Take The Manic Ride (cd) SST Records [1,780‰~] (Åž) (SoldOut)
SPAZM 151 / st (cd) [1,480‰~] (Åž) (SoldOut)
MEMENTO MORI / st (ep) agipunk [600‰~] (Åž) (SoldOut)
L'AMICO DI MARTUCCI, OHUZARU / split (cd) agipunk/625 thrash core [1,400‰~] (Åž) (SoldOut)
OHUZARU / st (Lp) agipunk/625 [2,180‰~] (Åž)
LA PIOVRA / Disastro Sonoro (7ep) Punks Before Profits [700‰~] (Åž) (SoldOut)
DS-13 / Killed By The Kids (Lp) Havoc Records [1,400‰~] (Åž) (SoldOut)





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