驪SEASONS END / A demonstration of the seasons (Lp) Disorder vinyl
麗DROWNINGMAN / Busy signal at the suicide hotline (Lp) Iodine
黎 REFUSED / Everlasting (Lp) Org music
力SEASONS END / A demonstration of the seasons (cd) Retribute/Disorder vinyl
曆DAY OF SUFFERING / The eternal jihad (Lp) Contraband goods
(Åž) (SoldOut)
歷 WITH RESISTANCE, TWENTY INCH BURIAL / Split (cd) State of mind
轢PRAYER FOR CLEANSING / The tragedy (7ep) Southern empire
(Åž) (SoldOut)
年UNDYING / This day all gods die (Lp) Holy mountain
憐CONTENTION / Artillery from heaven (Lp) Daze
(Åž) (SoldOut)
DEADGUY / Fixation on a co-worker ØЯ¸½“ú–{ŒÀ’è”Õ (cd) Militia inc.
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